I often think about the condition of higher education, but was concerned not at all when I went to see "La Boheme" in a movie theater at the mall. Opera in San Diego Opera is very much on the minds of San Diegans. Recently and suddenly, our local opera announced it was closing. The situation here is as it is in many places: aging donors and audiences, increasing costs, decreasing revenue, and competing entertainments. The leader of the opera, Ian Campbell, and his gigantic board, chose to die swiftly at their own hand. All hell broke loose. Was it as dire as Campbell and the Board proclaimed? Why the rush? Were there no affluent … [Read more...]
I’m an educator who loves apps
I do love them. I love apps because of what I can do on the go. Apps on my mobile devices enable practice, a quick lesson, a conversation with a coach or team, or a reminder about how it is that I might think about something. Here is the story of how apps helped Aaron Ifland, a doctoral student, who attends two universities 118 miles apart, and teaches at a third. I also love their ability to support activities that appear mundane to others, but are important in the moment. Here is an example. A few days ago, I had to get from a hamlet in Maine to a hamlet in upstate New York. I knew I had to go south through New Hampshire and … [Read more...]
Instructional Design: Something Old, Something New
A few years ago, Jim Marshall and I surveyed workplace learning professionals about elearning. Although we set out to learn about the contours of the elearning terrain, our project revealed much about instructional design practice today. We pursued this question: when doing elearning, what are you doing? Were learning professionals relying on webinars, on podcasts, on mobile learning? What of scenario-based online programs, social networks and communities, discussion boards, or personalized programs? We expected to find reliance on podcasts and scenarios, with healthy use of online communities and discussion boards. But when given the … [Read more...]
E-learning– What’s old is new again
Published in T&D, this article reports on a study conducted by Allison Rossett and Jim Marshall. Our focus-- when people are doing e-learning, what are they doing? What forms does this approach to training take? Our findings surprised. You hear about mobile everything, immersive learning, informal strategies and performance support. But that's not what workplace learning people reported that they are up to. They told us that e-learning means more assessments, more instructional design activities. http://www.astd.org/TD/Archives/2010/Jan/Free/1001_eLearning_Whats_Old.htm … [Read more...]
Classroom in context– taking leader development beyond the classroom
This is an article about how leader development is changing. The focus is on moving beyond leader development events to lessons, support, guidance and community available in the context of work, which is where leaders serve. Here is the piece, co-authored with Deb Pettry, published in Talent Management: http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/mediatec/tm0310/index.php?startid=16#/18 … [Read more...]
The Yin and Yang of Formal + Informal Learning
Article from ASTD about the mix of formal and informal learning strategies: http://www.astd.org/Digital-Resources/Podcasts/TD/2012/01/01-the-Yin-and-Yang-of-Formal-and-Informal-Learning.aspx … [Read more...]