Allison recently did an interview with Chief Learning Officer® about the future of learning technology. Please view the video of the interview below.
The Future of Learning Technology from Human Capital Media on Vimeo.
She works on learning and technology in a way that is creative, concrete and quirky
“She works on learning and technology
in a way that is creative, concrete and quirky”
Allison recently did an interview with Chief Learning Officer® about the future of learning technology. Please view the video of the interview below.
The Future of Learning Technology from Human Capital Media on Vimeo.
Many learning executives are concerned about visibility. They lament that they are not included early and sufficiently in the strategic work of the organization. Many seek appreciation and recognition for the learning enterprise, their learning … [Continue reading]
Many colleagues have asked what I think will emerge in workplace learning in 2015. Some put it this way, "Have you read anything worthwhile that summarizes trends for 2015?" Or this, often this, "I should be assessing my learning organization as we … [Continue reading]
I often think about the condition of higher education, but was concerned not at all when I went to see "La Boheme" in a movie theater at the mall. Opera in San Diego Opera is very much on the minds of San Diegans. Recently and suddenly, our … [Continue reading]
Malinka My first ever yoga class happened six miles from my house. I was annoyed about the distance, but because Malinka had strong recommendations, I drove across town. Malinka, not her real name, was known as a laid-back teacher, which appealed … [Continue reading]
Sue got caught texting while sitting in her car at a stoplight. She was just sitting there when law enforcement nabbed her. But that's another matter. We are here to talk about how Sue dealt with the ticket she got. In California, those of us who … [Continue reading]
A friend took over a large, far-flung learning organization. His task was to strengthen it. Strengthen it. Two words, hundreds of possibilities. Perhaps my recommendations aren't what you would expect: Think less about the learning … [Continue reading]
You met Larry, my hair color consultant, in my prior post. The big day arrived. The time had come for Larry to work on my hair. It had been eight days since our brief diagnostic meeting. I was concerned that he wouldn't remember me. But he did. … [Continue reading]
Today I learned about consulting from a surprising source. It began at lunch yesterday, when my usually positive pal Ellie remarked that my hair wasn’t looking so great. I think the word she used was listless. The cut was fine. But she wondered … [Continue reading]
Of course, Qualcomm is interested in mobile learning and support. The very global, San Diego-based company is the leading patent holder on 3G and 4G mobile technologies. Their self interest delivers benefits to the rest of us. As impetus for more … [Continue reading]
Dr. Allison Rossett, long time Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University, is also a consultant in training and technology-based performance. Allison is a member of the Training magazine HRD Hall of Fame and serves on the Board for the Elearning Guild and Chief Learning Officer magazine. She was selected as a Distinguished Fellow of the Naval Education and Training Learning Strategies Consortium and served on a White House Committee for learning and technology within the US Army.
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