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She works on learning and technology in a way that is creative, concrete and quirky
“She works on learning and technology
in a way that is creative, concrete and quirky”
Dr. Allison Rossett, long time Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University, is also a consultant in training and technology-based performance. Allison is a member of the Training magazine HRD Hall of Fame and serves on the Board for the Elearning Guild and Chief Learning Officer magazine. She was selected as a Distinguished Fellow of the Naval Education and Training Learning Strategies Consortium and served on a White House Committee for learning and technology within the US Army.
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Dear Mrs. Rossett,
Let me introduce you myself first. I’m Saki, Indonesian–Educational Technology–student at State University of Jakarta, I’m 21 years old and I am passionate at human performance technology 🙂
I’m in my last semester of study now, and in bachelor degree. I’m writing on my thesis now, and its about Job Aid. I’ve read your books, even the 1991’s one (Handbook of Job Aid) quite helping me!
But, I have some question to the expert of job aid (which is you), I cant find the difference between Job Aid and SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). They’re like twins, but I really can’t find the difference. Are they have the same function?
Would you help me to find the differences, please?? 🙂
Thank you 🙂